Appellation >
Red Côtes-du-Rhône
Location >
On 350 meters high hillsides and plateau of Gramenon, in Montbrison sur Lez
Vineyard >
Young Grenache vines (4 to 30 years old) cultivated with biodynamics farming methods.
Yield >
35 hl/ha
Geology >
Gramenon lies on sandstone and shell-sandy soils, making a relief on this landscape of sandy safre. This sandstone bank comes from a molasse layer left by a former maritime coastline under the influence of tidal streams circa 12 million years ago.
Natural wine-making process >
Sorted manual picking
15 days maceration in raw concrete vats
Partially de-stemmed clusters
Fermentation with natural yeasts
Light addition of sulfite after malolactic fermentation depending on vintages
Ageing >
6 months in vats
Bottling >
After Easter
Short recommendation >
Drink within 3 years.